Welcome to GardenHub

We provide ongoing property maintenance which includes lawn mowing, fertilizing, spring and fall cleanups, de-thatching, aerating, seeding, mulching, edging, herbicide application, plant health care, snow plowing, pruning, and tree care and removal.

Spring & Fall Cleanup

Our fall clean-up service is the process of removing all leaves, branches of the summer season

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Snow & Ice Removal

Snow and Ice removal services can be customized to the best possible solution in the huge area

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Lawn & Garden Care

Complete range of landscaping services all designed to enhance the beauty of your home and property

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Irrigation & Drainage

Watering your lawn and is the key to preserving its lushness and beauty the experts carefully design

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Stone and Hardscaping

Steady rains the leaves are dropping and each week our and hauling them off the properties

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Planting and Removal

Environmental problems result when exotic plants are placed in the landscape

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Honest and Dependable

Honesty is the only policy and we strive to complete all projects with integrity, not just with our clients.

30 Years of Expeirence

Steady rains the leaves are dropping and each week our and hauling them off the properties..

Landspacing Specialists

We have a range of water specialists who can help you along the way you want a massive fountain.

Award Wining Company

Steady rains the leaves are dropping and each week our and hauling them off the properties..

Licensed, Bonded, Insured

Steady rains the leaves are dropping and each week our and hauling them off the properties..

1000+ Sucessful Projects

Steady rains the leaves are dropping and each week our and hauling them off the properties..

About Our Company

30+ years of experience our staff keep your property looking and functioning beautifully. Our landscapers are fully licensed

The Landscaper is a full-service landscaping company with a straightforward and unique design/build philosophy. We believe in having one landscape designer handle the job from its conception on paper, to the realization on your property. The Landscaper is made up of a group of highly skilled landscaping professionals who pays a lot of attention to small details.

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